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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Friday after Thanksgiving

We all look forward to Thanksgiving feast every fall. It is a good time to get together with friends and family over a delicious meal and engage in entertaining conversation and laughs. I sincerely believe spirits are high not just because of the day but the anticipation of having the Friday off from work and school. So how does one spend the day after Thanksgiving? Well I have come up with a list of seven common activities people choose on this Friday after turkey day.

1. Shop. The day has been known as Black Friday. Many department stores will open early in the morning and the masses will flood to the retailers with hopes of getting the best deal of the century. Personally, I do not want any part of this. I prefer the click shopping in my pajamas. Not necessarily such a bad deal when many online merchants offer free shipping with purchases over a specified minimum limit. Still, the best deals are for those will to brave the cold early hours spent waiting in line for the doors to open.

2. Exercise. There seems to be a degree of guilt associated with the gluttony of Thanksgiving. Many people see the day as that one day of the year where they can hit the table hard and get seconds and not worry about the consequences. Still there are those out there that can't wait until Friday morning to come so they can run, jog, and walk off the pumpkin pie.

3. Football. Thanksgiving Thursday always offers up some football to watch while waiting for the meal to be done. Well, the Friday after thanksgiving always seems to televise good college games for viewing. This is also a great opportunity to make a double Decker turkey sandwich while sitting in your favorite chair in front of the television.

4. Kickoff the December Holidays. After the Thanksgiving Day is complete, many folks will then breakout their holiday décor and use the day to inaugurate the Christmas mood. For many this means putting up the tree, nativity, and exterior lights. I usually make this my Saturday after Thanksgiving project.
5. Bake. Who would think people would want to work in the kitchen the day after Thanksgiving? Well many people use this day to kick off their holiday baking of cookies, breads, and other fine treats. This also seems to put everyone in the cheerful mood especially when baking to the sounds of holiday music.

6. Golf. This is considered a bonus day of golf if the weather is accommodating.

7. Do absolutely nothing. Start the day in your pajamas and remain in you pajamas. This is a great way to decompress. Play games, watch television, or read a book. Rent a movie that you have been putting off due to being too busy. This is a great day to do absolutely nothing without feeling the guilt.